

Lúc Lắc (Origin - Vietnamese)
Trans. | Shaken

Lúc Lắc (pronounced Look Luck) is fondly named after an unforgettable and remarkably flavoursome, traditional Vietnamese dish called Bo Lúc Lắc (Shaking Beef), which is wok-tossed and dramatically shaken, resulting in vibrant flavours that are served with simple modesty.

The dish is the essence of what Lúc Lắc offers: a memorable dining experience, with a vibrant menu that showcases simplistic and amazing flavours, with an elevated touch.

Culinary travels through Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore, soaking up vibrant cuisines, cultures and traditions, were the delicious inspirations behind tropical-chic restaurant, Lúc Lắc.

Lúc Lắc: opening soon…